The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council (JPNC) has an election this Saturday, June 24.
Neighborhood councils are critical players in the civic processes that keep neighborhoods inclusive, vibrant, and affordable. JPP members have identified housing and inclusive development as priority issues, so the Steering Committee is extending our endorsement process to the JP Neighborhood Council elections. We know that many of the decisions that most affect our community start with local councils, such as the JPNC. Based on responses to our questionnaire on questions related to affordable housing, inclusive development, and transit equity, the Steering Committee is recommending a JPNC Progressive Slate. (An R following the candidate’s name indicates they are a renter.)
Area A:
Peter DeCotis
Willie Mitchell (R)
Danielle Sommer-Kieta (R)
Area C:
Katherine O’Shea (R)
Nicholas Chaves (R)
Gert Thorn
Alexis Rickmers (R)
Area B:
Paige Sparks (R)
Lorenzo Bartoloni
Benjamin Weber
Purple Reign (R)
Esther Belliard (R)
Luke Mathew (R)
We’ve created a flyer (Spanish Version) with more information that you can print out and share with your neighbors or bring with you to the polls.
Members of the JPNC progressive slate support the following positions:
- Do you support the JPNC policy of requiring developers to set aside 25% of their housing as affordable?
- Do you support the JPNC advocating for rent stabilization/rent control policies?
- Do you support the Shattuck redevelopment at the site of the Shattuck hospital for emergency shelter, treatment services, supportive housing, enhanced open space, and improved transit?
- Do you support requiring that a majority of new affordable units be built on-site, in order to ensure communities are diverse and integrated?
- Do you support the JPNC having strong jobs standards for local development (living wage, prioritizing local and diversity hiring, etc.)?
- Would you advocate for and support greater enforcement of public benefit agreements for neighborhood development projects?
- Do you support expanding bus and bike lanes?